Sunday 10 October 2010

Japan - wonderful landscape

The story of Urashimatarou

Along time ago, there was a man named Urashimatarou. He was a fisherman.
One day,he went to the sea to work. There were some children on the beach,
so he looked at them to see what they were doing. He was really surprised
because they were bullying turtle, so he saved the turtle from them.
The turtle said,"Thank you very much. I would like to repay you,
so would you like to ride on my back?"
Urashimatarou accepted but he wondered where they would go.
The turtle went into the sea where there was a beautiful palace and a lot of fish.
He asked the turtle,"What is that palace?"
Then the turtle said,
"That is Ryugu-Palace. The god of the sea lives there."
When they entered the palace,
the god was there and he said,
"Thank you. really thank you for your kindness. Will you have dinner with us?"
The god of the sea provided Urashimatarou with entertainment and good food.
So he had a great time there in the Ryugu Palace.

After three days, he told the god,
"Thank you. I enjoyed my self very much but I must go back to home so good-bye."
The god said,
"Oh, I will be sad, Urashimatarou. But alright, I will give you a magic box here.
It is a present. If you want something, ask this box and you will get it.
but you must never open this box, never promise."
Urashimatarou said good-bye to the sea god and he came back to the beach.

When he arrived the beach, he wondered because he had never seen that beach.
"Where am I?" he said to himself.
He kept wondering what was going on there. He was interested the magic box.
"I want money.", he said to the box. And he got a lot of money,
so he was happy and he asked the box for more money.
Then he thought about what was in the box.
He opened the box and it gave up smoke as he became an old man.
He wondered again.And then he understood.
While he enjoyed him self in the sea about a hundred years had passed in the world.
Then the box disappeared.

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